
The People's Design Library is a digital library maintained by buildingcommunityWORKSHOP for anyone looking for help in improving their community. The three collections - guides, inspiration, and [bc] publications - provide practical advice and examples of the wide range of resources out there for citizens doing community work. Use the search bar or tag cloud to search for a particular topic, or just browse the collections at your leisure! To suggest a resource, use this form - we need your submissions to grow this library and to share how you are helping to shape the city! And to further explore the world of public interest design, check out the links page. It’s the right of the People to shape their city, let's exercise that right and have some fun doing it!

Whether you're looking to tackle a certain issue, gain new skills, or build capacity to do work in your community, this collection of guides and instructions covers a wide range of topics from different organizations, all with the aim of making positive changes in communities. 

A collection of projects, organizations, and ideas to get you inspired and moving!

bulidingcommunityWORKSHOP, the community design center that maintains this site, has produced a large body of research and documentation of its neighborhood based work. This collection contains all publications [bc] has put out over the last seven years in the 3 regions it works in - Dallas, Houston, and the Rio Grande Valley. In addition to being informative about the regions [bc] works in, these publications also provide further inspiration for community based work that can be undertaken anywhere in the world.